"In a bustling little village, there lived a girl named Jane Doe. Jane Doe was a young, ambitious, and driven girl who always dreamed of being an entrepreneur. In fact, it was something she knew she wanted to be since she became conscious of herself. In her ignorance, young, back then she believed that entrepreneurship was all about starting a business, making money, and becoming successful.
On the 'path' of entrepreneurship, Jane poured her heart and soul into it, but within a year, the business failed, and all that was invested, was gone! Jane is now in 80K debt and left with a bad taste on her lips for business. Jane was devastated, she felt like a failure because the business failed and the business had become a part of her, she was embarrassed because the only way she could start the business was by quitting her job, and she did! Jane was promised the formula for success, she followed all the rules, exactly the way she should, but it still didn't work out for her. Maybe Jane isn't cut out to be an entrepreneur as she thought! Jane was devastated! Jane started other businesses, some gave her sprinkles to get her through the month, and others failed altogether. How much can Jane take? She is aware of her gift, she can solve problems fast, she can work on an empty stomach all day; she forgets to eat when she is in the zone, she can see sparks of gold dripping from her fingertips, but nothing is turning into solid blocks of it? Jane continued to try the new formula, and create her own, mixing and matching them, but Jane had even more losses.
Eventually, Jane had to seek therapy, the last one knocked her down, and she could not get back up. Then Jane heard her first sale come through on her mobile phone, something is working, Jane thought! Today, Jane started multiple businesses and has become successful in Entrepreneurship. She is still working her way out of debt, but she is a lot smarter at the game, she gives more punches than she takes. Jane continues to lose and she continues to win, she is a seasoned expert now, so she is more of a winner. Entrepreneurship isn't about starting a business. It's about solving problems and adding value, it's about identifying a need in the market and finding a way to meet that need while multiplying the amount of output you get [money] based on its input [time] When you think about it, it's almost like an initiation that we must go through, Jane isn't unique, but I am sure she felt alone, you may have a similar story as Jane. Are you Jane? Entrepreneurs have a clear vision of what they want to achieve and are passionate about their ideas. They are creative thinkers who can see opportunities where others may only see obstacles. They are also resilient and adaptable, able to pivot when things don’t go as planned. Some of us have lost friends, families, or lovers because we have chosen this path, and some of us are still increasing debt because we know that it will work, some day, one day, we pivot and adjust but we just need one more day. Is this the day? Does it feel like the day? then realize that darn! it's not the day! Whatever your loss, I see you, and I feel you. Keep doing it because it's the only thing that you can do for an hour and lose track of time, but remember, passions don't feed us, efficiency and fine skill does.
So having an entrepreneurial mindset is essential for success in this field. This means being able to think outside the box, take calculated risks, and be proactive. Entrepreneurs need to be able to see the bigger picture and take a long-term view of their business. They need to be able to make decisions based on data and intuition and they need a high level of emotional intelligence. Entrepreneurship is a challenging yet rewarding path that requires a unique set of skills and characteristics that one can learn, but there must be a calling because it is not a path for everyone. Entrepreneurs have responsibilities not only to themselves but also to their friends, their family, and their community. The mental stress can be overwhelming, and so firstly, they must have a responsibility to themselves, always forward thinking. Entrepreneurs need to have strong problem-solving skills, an entrepreneurial mindset, and the ability to adapt to change. It is important to remember that entrepreneurship is not for everyone, and it is important to evaluate whether it is the right path for you. Jane has devoted her life to this path. Smash the like, comment, and Share buttons if you are an entrepreneur initiated.
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